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Handouts on PRAYER Something to Think and PRAY About - Articles Helpful Scripture Verses
Concerts of Prayer Handouts on the Christian Life Monthly Prayer Calendar

Something to Think and PRAY About - Articles
"It is a grand thing to be driven to think, but it is a grander thing to be driven to pray through having been made to think." (Charles Spurgeon)

Microsoft Word Behind A Frowning Providence - Part 1 O Blessed Hurricane!
Microsoft Word Behind A Frowning Providence - Part 2
Microsoft Word Behind A Frowning Providence - Part 3 Why God?
Microsoft Word The Lord is Good to Me!
Microsoft Word No Presentation of the Gospel!
Microsoft Word The Radical Need of Pursuing Holiness! - Part 1
Microsoft Word The Radical Need of Pursuing Holiness! - Part 2
Microsoft Word The Radical Need of Pursuing Holiness! - Part 3
Microsoft Word To Christ Alone & Always Be The Glory!
Microsoft Word Prove It!
Microsoft Word Prayer That Compels!
Microsoft Word How Important Is It To You?
Microsoft Word Science Has Challenged My Faith!
Microsoft Word Help - The World Has Been Invaded!
Microsoft Word Part 1 - Where Should I Look For Help?
Microsoft Word Part 2 - How Should I Ask For Help?
Microsoft Word Part 3 - But Can I Really Have Fellowship With God?
Microsoft Word Talk To Me Lord!
Microsoft Word I’ve Been Talking to Myself Lately!
Microsoft Word The Deep Things of God! - Part 1
Microsoft Word The Deep Things of God! - Part 2
Microsoft Word Hit And Run Evangelism?
Microsoft Word Let God Be True, and Every Man a Liar!
Microsoft Word How to Honor Christ While Strengthening Your Faith!
Microsoft Word Okay - It's Time to Come Clean. I am a Card-Carrying Christian Hedonist!
Microsoft Word These Are the Times That Try Men's Souls!
Microsoft Word "Whose Reality?"
Microsoft Word I Just Can't Pray - Now What Do I Do?
Microsoft Word Somebody Give Me An Amen!
Microsoft Word How to Glorify God This Christmas (and always)!
Microsoft Word Comfort One Another With THESE Words?
Microsoft Word Report for Duty!
Microsoft Word The Emptiness of Self-centeredness! (Part 1)
Microsoft Word The Emptiness of Self-centeredness! (Part 2)
Microsoft Word Saved or Unsaved - That is the Question! (Part 1)
Microsoft Word How to Shame Satan this Holiday Season (and always)!
Microsoft Word Are You Missing Christmas?
Microsoft Word Oh No! It's Time for Missions at Church!
Microsoft Word The Christian's Warfare!
Microsoft Word The Scriptures & Prayer! (Part 1)
Microsoft Word To Hell with Hell? - Part 1
Microsoft Word To Hell with Hell? - Part 2
Microsoft Word Are You Born Again?
Microsoft Word Called!
Microsoft Word Lord, he whom You love is sick!

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Expect great things for God and attempt great things for God - William Carey
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